Friday, September 7, 2012

Whistle Stop Cafe

This past weekend was a fairly busy one. On Saturday, Kev's parents and Aunt Sharon spent the day with us and on Monday we spent the day at my moms house for Labor Day.

Whistle Stop Cafe
A little before lunch time, David, Terri, and Aunt Sharon arrived at our house. We showed everyone around the house. David and Terri have been here before, but this was the first time they have been able to see everything set up and furnished. Shortly after our hello's, the ladies all took a drive out to Juliette, GA - which is home to the movie, Fried Green Tomatoes and the original Whistle Stop Cafe. Juliette is about 25 miles from where we live now. Kev and I took the kids out there two weeks ago after noticing it while on our way to Winder. We had a pretty good time that day, leaving me very excited to take Terri.

After parking just down from The Whistle Stop Cafe, we got out and took the little town in then went into the cafe to add our names to the waiting list. While we waited, we walked through one of the shops and were more fascinated with the house over the odds and ends that could be bought. We did end up purchasing the movie and each of the the girls left with a bracelet from Grannie and necklace from Aunt Sharon.

 While sitting in the cafe waiting on our food, we were all full of smiles taking things in, as each of us LOVE the movie! We ordered sweet teas and cokes - which all came in mason jars! How cool is that?!?! We ordered Fried Green Tomatoes as an appetizer, which was the first for all of us except Terri. Turns out, we all actually enjoyed eating Fried Green Tomatoes. I never would have thought that being that I despise tomatoes!  For lunch, the girls each ordered grilled cheeses and the three of us ladies took it upon ourselves to order the famous Bennett's BBQ and before anyone asks, yes it was almost impossible to order without the inner child coming out with giggles! Bre and Caitlin asked our waitress if the BBQ tasted good. She made sure to tell them that it was "good...and fresh - right off the street". If you have not seen the movie, then you MUST watch it!

Following lunch, we walked behind the cafe and checked out the BBQ pit, concrete slab, train tracks and other areas.

After walking behind the cafe, we checked out the rest of the area, walking from shop to shop, laughing at the funny sayings on signs, talking with people, and learning about the area.We stopped by the honey store and picked up a bag of hard candy, which has honey in the center and is so good, and we bought a jar of honey that still has the comb in it. Kevin loves this, so I had to buy a jar for him! Some of the photos below were taken when Kevin and I were out there.

As we loaded back into the truck, we drove around the river, trying to find how to get a better view of the waterfall and fishing spot that shows in the beginning of the movie. We ended up driving over the train tracks and down a dirt road, to find a trail that led down to the river. Once we walked to the river, we were able to look to the right and see the falls. We found a great fishing spot for Kev and a place to splash around for the kids. Oh, and we also saw a little snake pop its head up out of the water, look around, and slither back down. And, this changed my mind on swimming!!!

To end our day out, we stopped by the Jarrell Plantation and walked through it, which was a great experience. It gave the girls the opportunity to see how people lived not even 100 years ago. I keep hoping they took it in and remember it all and then see how lucky they are today.

While we were out, Kevin and David replaced the lights in the master bathroom and just spent time together and hanging out with Nic.

After making it home, we all settled in for dinner, Chicken Casserole, potatoes, and green peas. Shortly after dinner, David, Terri, and Aunt Sharon left, we cleaned up, and then called a it a night.

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