Being that I am not on my laptop I do not have the logo icon for, but please check out her site! Megan is the one that decided to get us all involved in the 100 Facts fun posts!
76. I LOVE Nick-at-Nite, especially when it comes to watching The Nanny... However, I do miss watching the older shows, such as I Love Lucy.
77. I absolutely adore hearing wonderful news from a friend!
78. I have noticed lately that I use exclamation points a lot! Texting, blogging, name it.
79. Since Kev enlisted and we have been living this life, The National Anthem makes me cry when I hear it and I cringe when people butcher it.
80. One of my favorite pasttime memories is my grandmother taking me to church every Sunday morning. I would wake up to the smell of her cooking breakfast, then after church we would stop by Wendy's for a burger, fries, and frosty.
81. I can't wait to go to church with my Grandmother again in a few months! I have been longing for that Sunday morning with her for years now.
82. After a lot of thought, Kevin and I choose someone to leave our children to if something were to happen to us. There is nothing but confidence and good, pure thoughts in the decision we made. We still pray everyday that we are around to see our kids grow up, but knowing that if God has other plans our babies will be taken care of takes a lot off our shoulders. We couldn't have chosen a better person!
83. I think the DVR was one of the best things ever invented! I would be lost without it now. Lol
83. When I went into kidney failure the first time last year, my dad was the first person I wanted to call and needed to hear. (Kev was sitting with me, so of course he would have been my first choice had he not). As soon as I heard my dads voice I broke into tears, scared.

84. My cousin passed away almost three years due to a drunk driver hitting him while driving. Since then, I have become a huge advocate against drinking and driving. I still cry often over his passing. (picture when we were babies).
85. I have never seen an episode of Jersey Shore or Teen Mom. Honestly, I think Teen Mom sends bad signals to teenage girls and pregnancy. I have no respect for the moms that are all over the news acting trashy. Yes, I feel I can say this being that I was a teenager when my first two were born. (18&19)
86. My husband proposed to me in our kitchen while I was cooking dinner. He had our daughters with him. To this day, I think his proposal was PERFECT!
87. When we got married I was 20 years old, not even old enough to have a glass of wine at my wedding during the toast...however, I still had one!
88. I LOVE doing laundry because it has the most amazing smell!
89. My IPhone is the first cell phone that I have had for over a year. I normally get a new one every year.
90. I love a great thunderstorm, yet since Kev has a hard time with the loud noises and flashes of light, I now have a fear of them due to his reaction.
91. I am going to be 28 in May and have not had my husband home for a single birthday since I turned 20. He has either been in the field, deployed, in school, training, or something else military related that has him away for more than 24 hours...or a year.
92. When Kevin is away overnight, I tend to sleep with the TV on because of the sound.
93. Two of my three kids were preemies. My first one weighed less than five pounds when we brought her home.
94. My daughters are just two days shy of being 15 months apart.
95. I love quotes and finding a quote for certain situations!
96. I have more health issues that I know what to do with, yet try my best not to stand in the way of my everyday life.
97. I am life dependent on synthroid because my thyroid gland was surgically removed when I was 22.
98. I never imagined myself as a stay at home mom, but between the army and now my health issues I could not imagine not being home as often to see my kids grow up.
99. I live for today because I never know what is in store tomorrow. Today is what counts, so make the most of it and smile!
100. My husband and kids are my life and no one comes close to comparing what these four mean to me.
Thanks for reading my post about 100 Facts! Hope you enjoyed! Now, feel free to comment! : )
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