Our new house is very close to the Rio Grande in the Upper Valley area of El Paso. Very nice area and green too! The only thing is there are a lot of Mosquitos as well as frogs! Kevin and I are not fans of frogs, but as long as they remain outside we are okay with them. I mean, at least they kill bugs! That's a bonus, right? Kev was inside and Justin and I were sitting outside talking. The girls were also outside with us. It was a little before 10pm, so it's dark when the little frogs come out. This was last Friday by the way. Well, I looked over to see a little frog just sitting on out patio. A little later we saw a little baby one. They were actually kind of cute. Not sure how. Maybe its one of the situations where they are so ugly they can be cute. Am I making any sense? Of course we had to take pictures of Justin holding them. My favorite is the last one posted on here. It turned out real cool with them both in the cup!

- Posted using BlogPress from Britt's IPhone
Location:Biddle House
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