The girls started school this year on August 25. Kevin was able to take the girls in with me this year, which was nice since last year he was in Iraq. It is so hard to believe Breanna is now a first grader and Caitlin is in Kindergarten. Hopefully this turns into another amazing year for Breanna and a great one for Caitlin. Caitlin is a little upset because she is no longer in Mrs. Baldwin's class, but after explaning to her that her teachers change every school year she became a little more accepting of a new teacher. She has Ms. Rivera, which I remember from last year. Great teacher! I think Caitlin will do just fine with her. Breanna has a teacher that we have never heard of until now, Mrs. Belmonte. We have all faith that Breanna will have a good year. She is more comfortable with the school scene at this point than Caitlin is. Another school year has begun! Where does the time go?
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