How I wish I could find any place to fall asleep! We have found Nicholas many times like this. He will destroy his bedroom then just crash wherever he can! As you can tell, he pulled the drawer out from under his bad along with a few other things. Nic made himself so tired he did not even bother climbing in bed all the way! Too cute!
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Too Tired to Climb!
How I wish I could find any place to fall asleep! We have found Nicholas many times like this. He will destroy his bedroom then just crash wherever he can! As you can tell, he pulled the drawer out from under his bad along with a few other things. Nic made himself so tired he did not even bother climbing in bed all the way! Too cute!
Friday, November 14, 2008
A Woman's Prayer

Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Happy Veterans Day
A veteran is someone who, at one point in his life wrote a blank check Made payable to 'The United States of America ' for an amount of 'up to and including my life.' That is Honor, and there are way too many people in this country who no longer understand it.
Happy Veterans Day!
Please check out the story behind Veterans Day at this link:
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Britt's Surgery Outcome
The night of the surgery, Kevin brought the girls to see visit with me. We made our second attempt at getting me out of the bed to walk. We tried earlier that day before he had to leave and I was too dizzy and in too much pain for much success. That night I managed to walk for about 15 minutes around the floor. It took a lot out of me! Once Anna arrived, Kevin and the girls left. Anna, a friend of mine out here, decided to stay the night at the hospital with me. I am still so grateful she did!
On Thursday one of the doctors came by early to check on me. She let me know I had to stay until at least Friday since my blood pressure was so low. Which, in a sense, was a blessing in disguise! It gave me another day without the kids trying to climb all over me. I needed the extra rest. Around 430 Friday morning, Dr. Harlass stopped by. He let me know I would be released shortly after breakfast. At that point he went into detail the turnout of the surgery. The hysterectomy was without a doubt, the best thing that I could have done. Even as hard as it is on me now, I know we made the right decision after speaking with the doctor.
We went for my post-op last week. I am still limited to what all I can do. This is an eight week recovery. Though, with kids and Kevin at work, it is impossible to follow all orders. When Kevin gets home in the evenings, I usually let him take over. I always feel bad since he has been at work all day, but by that time, I am to a point that I can not do much more. Overall, the doctor has said the incision is healing nicely and things look great now!
Physically, I am feeling better today. It has been a rough recovery. I will say, this is a lot harder than all three c-sections I have gone through! Kevin was amazing the two weeks following the surgery when he was on leave. He was great with the kids, it gave him and Nic the bonding time they needed, but had yet been able to have. He took care of me, while at the same time getting on to me the first week for getting out of bed and doing too much! I can't stand staying in bed that long! Kevin went back to work a little over a week ago, which at times has been tough on me. It is hard not to pick up Nic all the time and to just take it easy still! I have realized how easy it is to become tired just from living my normal day to day life. It is taking a lot out of me. Yesterday was great, today I woke up in a lot of pain. I have also learned how easy it is to overdo things and that I really need to relax. Right now, I am battling the emotional side of it all. What gets me through is Kevin and our kids. I look at the three we have been blessed with, and more than ever, I am so incredibly thankful for what we have been given. A true blessing. I have always thought about how things happen for a reason and always firmly believed in this. I look back at getting pregnant at such a young age with both girls. At the time, people were upset and let down, and worried about how we would handle the challenges of being parents. I hope now every one's outlooks Then, came Nicholas a few years later. Seems to me, I have my reason now. Even though it has been a hard road at times, going through so much at our ages, I have never been more thankful, blessed, and happy with what life had handed us. Everything does happen for a reason, and had I not had the kids so early in life, I would have never been able to experience one of the most incredible joys in life!
Thank you to everyone for the prayers and support through this.
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Look Mom, I Found My Hat...
Friday, October 31, 2008
Happy Halloween!
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Making His Place Known
Happy Birthday Breanna!
Happy Birthday Breanna! We hope you have an amazing day!
Friday, October 3, 2008
The time has come, yet again
During all of this Brittney is having to have a hysterectomy, which will be similar to the c-sections she has had. The surgery will take place on October 15, first thing in the morning. She will have her cell phone on her in the hospital, as will Kevin.
The kids are all great! Nicholas is slowly beginning to talk and into everything! He is such a great toddler! Breanna and Caitlin are enjoying school. Breanna brought home her grades, three 100's, two 97's, and a 95 as her overall grades in her subjects. Caitlin is learning a lot this year and her writing has really improved.
Breanna has us already planning her birthday party. This year Kevin will be home and it will be on her birthday, October 25. She insists on having a Hannah Montana party and is very excited about it. Hard to believe she is going to be seven this year. Where does the time go? She is going through the stage now of whining when she does not get her way and has become really good at talking back!
Hope everyone's October has started of well!
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Summer 2008
We decided to let the girls stay in GA for six weeks after we left. Russell and Mom brought them back to us. Russell, Mom, and Ashton ended up spending about a week with us in El Paso. Of course, this visit was a lot easier than the last. Last year when they visited, Britt spent a couple days in the hospital from having Nicholas. The girls had a great summer being able to visit with all the Grandparents! We are still hearing stories on their adventures!
While they were away, we bought two new dogs. Spike, a tiny toy Chiuahua, and Dopey, a Cane Corso (Italian Mastiff). Both have turned out to be great dogs! Over the summer we have taught Dopey to sit and stay. He is very gentle with the kids, though at times, I think he forgets his size. Oddly enough, Dopey and Spike have become inseperable! They play and sleep together! The girls were so surprised to have two new dogs when they returned. All Caitlin could say is that she has wanted a big dog for so long now! (Dopey was about 15 pounds then. He will get to be about 150lbs).
Nicholas enjoyed the summer being an only child! He ended up getting so much attention while the girls were gone! It was nice being able to spend more one on one time with him. He is of course walking, and now into everything! He is getting so big. It seems once again, time has just flown by!
The girls returned home about three weeks before the first day of school. School started for them on August 25. Breanna began First Grade this year and Caitlin is in Kindergarden. This is Caitlin's first year with a full day of classes! She is adjusting well, but it has been difficult for her at times. Breanna, as always, is loving school! We spoke with her teacher last week. She is ahead of the majority of students in her class and will more than likely be tested for the Gifted Program this year. She is reading very well now and always wanting to learn something new!
Kevin is still waiting on either points to drop or to gain more points for promotion. He is promotable now, but with the Army working with a point system, it can tend to take more time than needed.
Our Mini Kevin
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
He's Caught!
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Monday, August 25, 2008
First Day of School

The girls started school this year on August 25. Kevin was able to take the girls in with me this year, which was nice since last year he was in Iraq. It is so hard to believe Breanna is now a first grader and Caitlin is in Kindergarten. Hopefully this turns into another amazing year for Breanna and a great one for Caitlin. Caitlin is a little upset because she is no longer in Mrs. Baldwin's class, but after explaning to her that her teachers change every school year she became a little more accepting of a new teacher. She has Ms. Rivera, which I remember from last year. Great teacher! I think Caitlin will do just fine with her. Breanna has a teacher that we have never heard of until now, Mrs. Belmonte. We have all faith that Breanna will have a good year. She is more comfortable with the school scene at this point than Caitlin is. Another school year has begun! Where does the time go?
Friday, August 15, 2008
Sound Asleep
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Dustin Proposed!
Congrats Dustin and Whitney! We are all looking forward to spending on of the most memorale days you will have together with you in May! Thank you for making the five of us apart of your day! We love you both!
Whit in total shock! Yes, he is asking you to marry him!

Friday, June 20, 2008
Thursday, February 7, 2008
Much needed family update!
As you can imagine, there has not been any downtime here since Kevin came home from the deployment! Kev arrived at the airfield here on December 8. After waiting all day, I was able to see his plane land around 6pm and was finally able to see him a little after 7pm. I cannot even begin to explain the relief, joy, excitement, pride, and so much more this brought. It is not possible to put it into words. It seemed so surreal to have him standing right there, in front of me. A moment that I had been waiting for had finally happened. The girls were at a friends house, but Nicholas was with me. At first he just looked at Kevin, probably trying to put everything together. I showed Nic pictures of Kevin everyday that he was away. Kevin, of course, had a bear for him from Germany. Kevin held Nicholas and he did great with him! After getting bags and loading the car, we headed over to get the girls. They had no idea that I would come home with Daddy! They thought that I was out Christmas shopping. Honestly, I think we had the best Christmas gift we could ever ask for! A Christmas to always remember. When they first saw Kevin, they just stared at him. I guess in disbelief. It took a minute for them to realize he was really home. Caitlin was the first one up and in his arms, followed by Breanna. Of course, there was not an early bedtime for the girls that night! For the first time in months, everything felt complete!
Christmas was wonderful! The kids all had a wonderful time. The girls had so much fun opening their gifts and Nic had a great time playing with paper and boxes! He was into everything he could get into.
The transition has been problem free! I know everyone has been worried how everything would fall back into place. It has been better than we could have expected. Kevin has been fine with life here compared to life in Iraq. More than anything, he has just been glad to be home with us. Kevin has loved that he can just relax, whether it be doing something around the house or playing one of his XBox games. Usually, it is hanging out, playing a game! No complaints here, at least he is home! He did take about a month of leave to get away from work, which was much needed.
I have obtained my real estate license. I am now a realtor with Coldwell Banker. I am now in and out of the office pretty much daily. With Kevin being home it is easier to work. Of course, he has been to a couple open houses with me that I have held. He has helped me out so much with everything.
The kids are all wonderful! The girls are both doing great in school. Breanna is above average on many things in school. Her teacher is still giving her extra work on a daily basis to keep her busy. Nicholas is crawling all over the house and into things. He will stand for a couple of seconds on his own...which only means that walking is right around the corner! I have loved every second with him, watching him grow. Since discovering my food, he refuses to eat baby food now. Every night we have to make sure that some of what we cook he can eat. He has such a happy personality and such a mama's boy! He says mama and bye bye now. Every now and then, he will say dada. He has six teeth with another one trying to come through. It is amazing how quickly they change and grow! Nicholas will be one in a little over a month. That is so hard to believe.
Overall, everything has been terrific here! I am sorry it has taken so long to get this update out. I will get pictures on here soon! I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas and New Year! I know we sure did! Thanks to all the ones that kept us and Kevin's safety in your prayers!
Sunday, February 3, 2008
Carlsbad Caverns, NM
We decided to take a trip to Carlsbad, NM with the kids to check out the caverns. We all had a fun-filled day. The drive seemed to go on a little too long with the girls in the back constantly repeating "Are we there yet?" "I am tired of being in the car"...and so on. We stopped at the park area of the Guadelupe Mountains to walk and go through the small museum they have. Very interesting! After that we headed to the caverns. We had to end up purchasing a snuggli for Kevin to strap on him and tote Nic in. Of course, we were not thinking about the fact we could not take a stroller in! We took an elevator down, I cannot recall how far under we were. The girls were just as amazed as Kevin and I were. Kevin and I are making future plans to go back without the kids so we can do more advanced cave tours. We are wanting to do the ones where we actually have to get down and crawl through the narrow cave passages! We all had a great day in NM!
For more information on the Caverns and the National Park, check out the website, We took the kids on the self-guided tour.