Monday, November 11, 2013

Two Years Ago

I have sat and stared at the computer screen for awhile now, contemplating what to write...hell, how to even start. Veterans Day is upon us now and to us it's more than just another day. It holds so much more. It's a day that my husband and so many other deserve to be honored, though they deserve this everyday, Veterans Day is their day. Please remember this and show appreciation when you see a veteran and their family out.

11/11/11 was the last time he dressed in his ACU's and it was the last time we were apart of the AD life... There is so much we both miss about those times. After almost ten years of living a life full of changes, moves, time apart, it is still hard to become accustomed to this life we live now. Adapting to everyday "civilian" life has been such a challenge for each of us in ways we never expected and I cannot imagine how Kev feels everyday when he misses the army so much. What was found in that life, cannot be found in what we now live. To those that have lived it and do live it, you get it.

Veterans Day will always hold many meanings to our family... the day that all Veterans should be honored (as well as every day in my opinion), but also a day that our lives changed drastically. I am so blessed to have the husband I have. With all that we have been through, it is amazing to be where we are now...together. I am so proud of the man he is and despite his injuries, he amazes me every single day.

On this Veterans Day and everyday, I stand with pride when I see my husband, pride for a man that knows the true meaning of war and the aftermath. He is a man that has fought, bled, and lost for those around him - whether he knew them or not. He has served months and months away from his family, keeping us safe while protecting those around him. He is a man that has changed in so many ways, physically and mentally from combat, but he is a man that from time to time, I still catch that glimpse of the "old Kevin" and that alone makes every other moment okay. When I listen to his stories and the experiences he had overseas, I find myself loving him even more because of who he is. My husband has endured what the majority of our population cannot even begin to imagine and everyday we are blessed to have him here. So many close calls and so many things could have turned out differently, yet here we are... I'll take the bad just for the good.

Thank you babe for all you have sacrificed for us and so many others. There will never be enough words to show you just how much we appreciate those sacrifices that have been made and those that will continue to be made. I know this post-combat life is so far from easy, but it's so worth it. I know some days it doesn't feel that way, but I promise it is. We are so blessed to have you home and to be able to celebrate Veterans Day with you. Though there will not be a true celebration, it brings a smile to all of our hearts that you are here with us. I am so lucky to call you my husband and to have you beside me through this crazy life we share. I love you more than words...always!

Happy Veterans Day to all that have served! Your selfless sacrifices never go unnoticed!!! 


2009 before 2nd deployment


deployment time

Getting ready to deploy

Getting ready to deploy


2009 this one! Kev in Iraq

End of 1st deployment!!! Welcoming my man home

End of 1st deployment!!! Welcoming my man home

Welcome Home!!! Nic really looking at his daddy for the first time

End of 1st deployment

The best Christmas gift ever!!!

Iraq, 2007 - so hot!!!

Many tend to find slight confusion between Memorial Day and Veterans Day, so I looked it up to better clarify it for any questions. Veterans Day is not about honoring the dead, but honoring those that we are still so blessed to have with us that have been in the military.  Please make sure you know the difference and make sure you show your appreciation to those that have so bravely defended our freedoms. The sacrifices these men and women have made often go unnoticed because they are physically still here... for many of us, we see the scars that are carried among our veterans.

The difference between Veterans Day and Memorial Day before all the confusion begins:
Many people confuse Memorial Day and Veterans Day. Memorial Day is a day for remembering and honoring military personnel who died in the service of their country, particularly those who died in battle or as a result of wounds sustained in battle. While those who died are also remembered, Veterans Day is the day set aside to thank and honor ALLthose who served honorably in the military - in wartime or peacetime. In fact, Veterans Day is largely intended to thank LIVING veterans for their service, to acknowledge that their contributions to our national security are appreciated, and to underscore the fact that all those who served - not only those who died - have sacrificed and done their duty.

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Georgia State Fair

We have been so incredibly busy lately that I have struggled with finding time to update here and just to take time to myself. With that being said, there is so much to update - but for now, I am going to tell you about this past week. More updates to come in the very near future and I do promise to start updating more here and on my other blog! So, stay tuned to that!

Long story short, we had to withdrawal Nicholas from the local public school due to some unforeseen circumstances and he is now home-schooled. I know, that may seem like an insanely crazy idea to most with all that we have going on here, but I do promise it was the best decision for our son and it has worked wonders on him! He is excelling in things that he was struggling in while in school. It has been an amazing experience. Once we sell our home and move into a better area, he will attend public school again.

This past week was the kids Fall Break and while we stayed around the house, we did manage to take the kids out a couple of the days. It was hard to do a whole lot with our everyday dealings, but also because I am still recovering from surgery. Yes, I did have to undergo another abdominal surgery a few weeks ago. I am telling y'all, that is never ending!!!

Caitlin and Nicholas were able to attend the fair for the first time on Tuesday and they both had a blast! Kevin was unable to attend for obvious reasons with his injuries and I didn't allow Breanna to go because it seems lately she has loved popping a serious attitude with me. Caitlin, Nic, and I walked around all day, with them riding every ride they could! I loved seeing their faces light up with happiness. Thankfully, the fair had free entry for military families (active and retired) on Tuesday and discounted wristbands for all. Needless to say, the two little ones took advantage of their bright pink wristbands and rode all day!

When we arrived at the Georgia State Fair in Perry, it was still too early to ride, so we decided to walk around. We stumbled on the petting zoo which was absolutely amazing! As soon as we walked in, we were greeted by a giraffe that the kids fed carrots too. They were amazed with being able to feed him...and so was I! They were able to pet and feed goats, sheep, cows, and a few other things. Were able to look into the cages of birds, a zebra, and a couple other animals that I cannot remember.

 After the visit with the animals, Caitlin and Nic were ready to hop on some rides. Nicholas has never had the opportunity to drive bumper cars or ride kiddie roller coasters, so this entire day was amazing to him!

Nic coming down the slide. Caitlin it too "grown up" for this kind of fun! At least, that's what she says...
 I love their facial expressions!
Very fitting for these two clowns!

 We took a break from riding rides once Brittani met us at the fair and headed to the livestock area. The kids were able to learn about goat and cattle dairy farms.

 During the goat area, Caitlin and Nicholas were both able to pretend milk a goat. Both of them turned out to be little pros at it!

Very photogenic!
This sweet and adorable calf was only a few days old! Is it not the cutest? I want one now!
Do you see Nic's stuffed dog is the farmer?

 Okay, so my fellow Wife Swap nerds will appreciate this! I LOVE Wife Swap and went through a phase of watching most, if not all, episodes! There was one with a traveling fair family who just happened to be at the Georgia State Fair! Of course, I soon as I saw the set up and heard the voices, I knew instantly that this was the same family. Brittani thought I had lost my mind, but it made me even more excited when I saw the banner hanging up!

 This guy was very entertaining! He asked both kids their names, then made up a rhyming song for each of them. They loved it and were full of smiling giggles!

We stopped for drinks and ice cream cones... Let me just tell you all this was some of the best ice cream I have ever tasted!

 We ended the day with the kids riding the Indy 500, then lastly the bumper cars.

Though I was in a lot of pain from the walking, these smiling faces made it all worth it!

 If you are at all close enough to spend the day at the fair, I recommend you going next October! The prices were no where near as bad as I thought they would be and the kids had a blast! I look forward to taking them again next year, of course with hopes that Breanna gets to go as well!