Last night Kevin and I decided to take the kids to Olive Garden for some family time and dinner. The kids of course did not want to act the right way until the appetizers arrived. Then we all pretty much filled up on salad, bread sticks, stuffed mushrooms, clamari, and cheese sticks...even Kevin ate stuffed mushrooms with me! By the time the food came, Nicholas and Kevin were the only ones that really ate their food! I ordered the Tour of Italy which had Lasagna, Chicken Parmigina, and Fettuccine Alfredo. Of course, Nic had to have some of my Fettuccine. Since there was not a lot on the plate due to everything else it did not take the two of us long to eat it all. It happened to work out that our waiter had just checked on us and was walking away when Nic noticed we were out of the Fettuccine. Out of nowhere, he yelled out, "Hey Buddy, you ate it all. Why?" He yelled this right at our waiter! Kevin and I could not help but to laugh at him. It was the first time either of us had really heard him put together a full sentence directed towards someone like that with a question! It was just too cute!