Thursday, December 24, 2009
Hey, I'm part of the kids now too!
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
First Time in Years

Saturday, December 5, 2009
White Mountain Tops
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Go Eastside Bulldogs!!!!
Personally, I think the girls look adorable in their cheeleading uniforms! Breanna has picked up on the cheers and dance moves so quickly to where it looks like she has always cheered! Amazing! Caitlin tends to get bored with it, yet has fun when she is able to cheer.
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Go Gator's!!!

Saturday, September 12, 2009
El Paso Zoo
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Cheerleading Fun Day
The cheerleaders and football players had a Fun Day today. The boys played games all day while the girls cheered. The Coaches and parents even got in on the fun! Nicholas had fun playing with other little ones on the sidelines, while I talked to one of the Mom's. Sure wish Kevin were home to spend the day with us. At the end, the football coaches gave each cheerleader a ribbon and medal to show their appreciation to the girls. This was the first time we had them all together! The girls had to wear their practice clothes for this since their uniforms are still not in.
Sunday, June 7, 2009
New Look

Saturday, June 6, 2009
Sleeping In

Saturday, May 30, 2009
Shopping Trip Disaster!

Thursday, May 28, 2009
Hail Covered Yard

Tuesday, May 26, 2009
He Has An Address!!!
Please continue to keep Kevin in your thoughts and prayers as we wait for this next year to pass us by. Kev should be home sometime after next May, when this deployment comes to an end. Of course, we will not know the date until it is only a few days away. Nor do we know the exact time frame of him being there. We also are not sure when Kev will be home on R&R (mid-tour leave) since they are just getting there and we all know how it is all subject to change! I am sure it will be another example of us finding out a few days before he arrives in El Paso that he is coming home on leave! Got to love the Army! Overall, Kevin is doing pretty good. He called today. The second time he has been able to call in the month that he has been gone! He sounded good and was in a joking mood. Hearing his voice more than made my day. Now I am good for the next few weeks as far as him calling home. They are all working hard over there as they get settled and become more aware and knowledgeable of what they will be doing.
Thank you to everyone for the continuous support. You all keep us going strong!

Our Destructive Dog

We are all praying for your safe return Kevin! We love you & miss you more than words could ever say! Stay strong & focused! We are here patiently awaiting your return home in the months to come! **Always!**
Monday, May 25, 2009
Memorial Day
Freedom is not Free! So many American's have paid for our freedom with their lives. Always remember our Fallen Veteran's and appreciate what you have while others make the sacrifice for you to enjoy it.
Sunday, May 17, 2009
For You, Grandpa

Saturday, May 16, 2009
Mama, Ice

Thursday, May 14, 2009
"My Dada"
We cannot wait until next year is here and Kevin is home with us again! We all miss him so much!
Take care of yourself Hun! We are all thinking about you! Love you so much!
Our Tic Tac Bandit
We are only a little more than two weeks into this deployment and it feels like the year should almost be over! These two weeks have been insane! And to is all just starting!
Any advice on this situation is more than welcomed!
**Keeping you in our thoughts & prayers Kev! We love you & miss you more than words could ever say! Always baby!**
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Tonsillitis Strikes Again!
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Bre's New Look

Monday, May 11, 2009
In the Motorpool

Sunday, May 10, 2009
Happy Mother's Day
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Thank You
Kevin is doing fine over there. As you all know he flew straight into Iraq over a week ago on a mission ahead of his company. He left here with a small group of guys from the battalion he is with. He will be heading to another FOB soon, which is where his guys will catch up with him. They should all reunite sometime in the next two weeks. This past week has given him a chance to get through the jetlag of flying over there. It has given him a chance to get situated and more prepared for this deployment. I have been able to hear from him almost daily, which is about to change now that he will start getting busy. Once again, I ask everyone to please keep him and everyone he is with in their thoughts and prayers. We all just want him and everyone home safe next year! Deployments are very hard and at times seem unbearable, but in 12-15 months this will all just be a memory. Something we can look back on and begin cherishing all moments we have together before another one comes up.
Thanks again for the calls, cards, and messages for my birthday!
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
What I Want to Be
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Here We Go Again...
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Fishing & Camping
Monday, April 13, 2009
Weekend Away...
On Saturday morning we got up and ready and took the girls to the room next to ours and had them knock on the door. They thought we had lost our minds! They were more than surprised when before they could even knock the door opened and there stood Grannie! Granpa and Grannie met us in SA for the weekend! The girls were more than thrilled and we were excited to spend time with them before Kevin deploys! We all went to Sea World during the day and the River Walk that evening for dinner right on the river. We ate at Laundry's, which was actually pretty good.
Sunday morning and early afternoon was spent at the Zoo. Following that and lunch we headed back to our rooms to let all the guys get in a nap. Yes, Granpa, Kevin, and Nicholas all needed one! While they were napping all the girls headed to the river. We took a ride on the river cruise, which was pretty cool, shopped around at River Walk, and got on the carriage ride through downtown before meeting up with the guys for dinner! Of course, during this, we all forgot our cameras! No pictures of our girls afternoon out. We met the guys by the river and ate dinner at some Mexican Restraunt. Mom and Brittney decided to have a Daquiri after a crazy afternoon with the kids! Once we were done there and walked around it was late and time to retire for the night!
On Monday we all spent more time at the River Walk, touring shops and a small villiage. We ate lunch at a BBQ place, once again sitting right on the river. It was so relaxing right there! We then headed back to the hotel to say the goodbyes that none of us wanted to say! It was definitely a nonstop weekend that we all needed to relax from, but it was such a wonderful one! A great way to spend the weekend before Kevin leaves again for awhile! It was great to spend so much time with Dad and Mom!
Thanks for a wonderful weekend full of memories! We cannot wait to do it again!