After the long wait, the day is finally here! Kevin is home! This day seemed like it would never get here. The girls stayed with friends of ours while Nicholas and I waited at Biggs Army Airfield airstrip. We were able to be in an area on the airfield to watch the plane land. Amazing is all I can say about this! The plane landed and we watched our guys walk by us! They had to check in all weapons before we were actually able to be with them. After about an hour of waiting inside, they finally announced that our soldiers were standing outside, waiting to be let in. They opened the gate and the guys marched in! They had to stand in a formation for no more than a minute before they were released. After that it was just a matter of finding Kevin and being with him, in his arms again! Our day is finally here! The kids and I have Kevin back home, safe where he belongs!
The girls had no idea that Kevin was coming home on this day. They thought that they were staying at a friends house so I could go Christmas shopping. Little did they know the best Christmas present ever was going to walk through the door within a couple hours!
Thanks to everyone for your prayers and support!

Patiently waiting for the plane to come in....
It has been way too long!!! He's home!
Kevin seeing Nicholas for the first time since he was a couple weeks old!
Nicholas seeing his Daddy for the first time. What a look. Nic never cried.

Nic with his Daddys hat

Just where Caitlin has wanted to be. Bre could not believe Kev was really home.

We could not ask for anything more than this for Christmas! It really will be a Christmas wish come true.
Merry Christmas everyone!